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Iranian President Died

Iran's Presidential Succession Plan: Constitutional Provisions

Article 131: Incapacity or Death of the President

According to Article 131 of the Iranian Constitution, if the president becomes incapacitated or dies in office, the following succession plan takes effect:

First Vice President

The first vice president, who is appointed by the president and approved by parliament, becomes the acting president for a maximum of three months.

Council of Ministers

If there is no vice president or the vice president is also incapacitated, a Council of Ministers is formed. This council consists of the ministers of defense, interior, foreign affairs, and justice, and is led by the senior minister in terms of service.

Guardian Council

The Guardian Council, a twelve-member body of clerics and legal experts, supervises the electoral process and ensures the constitutionality of laws. Within 90 days of the president's death or incapacity, the Guardian Council calls for a presidential election.

Presidential Election

A special presidential election is held within 90 days of the president's death or incapacity. The candidate with the highest number of votes becomes the new president.
